Lookup Source Subsets

list_subsets(pageNumber = NULL, pageSize = NULL, language = "ENG")



(optional) Whole number that specifies which page of results to fetch.


(optional) Whole number that specifies the number of results to include per page.


(optional) 3-letter abbreviation for language


'/subsets/current'path Retrieves information about all subsets from the current release and returns a JSON Object classType of Subset '/subsets/current/source/SNOMEDCT_US/6011000124106'path Retrieves information for a SNOMED CT subset and returns a JSON Object classType of Subset '/subsets/current/source/SNOMEDCT_US/6011000124106/members'path Retrieves members of a SNOMED CT subset and returns a JSON Object classType of SourceConceptSubsetMember '/subsets/current/source/SNOMEDCT_US/6011000124106/member/89361000119103' path Retrieves an individual member of a SNOMED CT subset and returns a JSON Object classType of SourceConceptSubsetMember

See also