Search the UMLS Metathesaurus
umls_api_search( string, searchType = "normalizedString", inputType = "sourceConcept", includeObsolete = NULL, includeSuppressible = NULL, returnIdType = NULL, pageSize = 100, sleep_time = 5 )
string | A human readable term, such as ‘gestatational diabetes’, or a code from a source vocabulary, such as 11687002 from SNOMEDCT_US. |
searchType | (optional) Type of search you wish to use. |
inputType | (optional) Specifies the data type you are using as your search parameter. |
includeObsolete | (optional) Return content that is a result of matches on obsolete terms. |
includeSuppressible | (optional) Return content that is a result of matches on suppressible terms. |
returnIdType | (optional) Specifies the type of identifier you wish to retrieve. |
pageSize | (optional) Whole number that specifies the number of results to include per page. |
sabs | (optional) Comma-separated list of source vocabularies to include in your search |
pageNumber | (optional) Whole number that specifies which page of results to fetch. |
'/search/current?string=fracture of carpal bone'path Retrieves CUIs for a search term and returns a JSON Object classType of searchResults '/search/current?string=fracture of carpal bone&searchType=exact'path Uses ‘exact’ searching and returns a JSON Object classType of searchResults '/search/current?string=fracture of carpal bone&sabs=SNOMEDCT_US&returnIdType=code'path Returns SNOMEDCT concepts associated with a search term and returns a JSON Object classType of searchResults '/search/current?string=9468002&inputType=sourceUi&searchType=exact&sabs=SNOMEDCT_US'path Returns UMLS CUIs associated with a SNOMEDCT_US concept and returns a JSON Object classType of searchResults