Deploy a Package and GitHub Pages at Once
deploy_all( commit_msg = "deploy pkg and GitHub Pages using glitter", tag = NULL, remote_name = "origin", remote_branch = "master", path = getwd(), install = TRUE, reset = FALSE, build_vignettes = FALSE, ref = NULL, examples = TRUE, run_dont_run = FALSE, seed = 1014, lazy = TRUE, override = list(), preview = FALSE, devel = TRUE, new_process = !devel, dependencies = NA, upgrade = "never", force = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, build = TRUE, build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual", "--no-build-vignettes"), build_manual = FALSE, repos = getOption("repos"), type = getOption("pkgType") )
commit_msg | commit message |
remote_name | name of remote to push to. Defaults to "origin". |
remote_branch | name of branch on the remote to push to. Defaults to "master" or "main" if the cardinal branch is using this newer default. |
path | full path to local repository to be pushed |
install | If TRUE, installs the package after the changes are pushed to the remote, Default: TRUE |
reset | If TRUE, restart R after installation is complete. Default: TRUE. |
examples | Run examples? |
run_dont_run | Run examples that are surrounded in \dontrun? |
seed | Seed used to initialize so that random examples are reproducible. |
lazy | If |
override | An optional named list used to temporarily override
values in |
preview | If |
devel | Use development or deployment process? If If
new_process | If |