These functions help search for mappings between an a concept and a Metathesaurus identifier in the MRCONSO Table. All queries are cached using the R.cache package for quicker retrieval of the more computationally expensive searches.
search_exact( conn, concept, schema = "mth", match_case = TRUE, cache_only = FALSE, skip_cache = FALSE, override_cache = FALSE )
conn | Postgres connection |
concept | Concept to be searched |
schema | Metathesaurus schema |
match_case | If TRUE, both the MRCONSO STR column and the `concept` argument are converted to lowercase. |
cache_only | If TRUE, only the cache is loaded and database querying is skipped. If a cache did not exist for the query, a NULL will be returned. |
skip_cache | If TRUE, the cache is skipped altogether. The database is directly queried and the resultset is not cached. |
override_cache | If TRUE, the cache is not loaded, the database is directly queried and the resultset is cached, overwriting any existing cache that may have been present. |
Dataframe of 0 or more rows of all the fields in the MRCONSO Table.
Other search mrconso: