(Deprecated) This is 1 of 2 coalesce functions. This one takes fields that are not the same as the proposed new column name. For example, a dataframe with fields "A", "B", and "C" can be coalesced into a field "D". If all the values need to be coalesced into an existing field such as "A", "B", and "C" to "A", use coalesce_at function instead.

coalesce_to(data, col, ..., remove = FALSE)



A dataframe or tibble.


Target column.


Other columns in addition to `col` that will be coalesced in the correct order of precedence.


Should columns supplied in `...` be removed in the output?

See also


Other coalesce functions: coalesce_at()


# Load Data data(mtcars) # To List of Vectors cols_to_list(data = mtcars)
#> Error in cols_to_list(data = mtcars): could not find function "cols_to_list"
cols_to_list(data = mtcars, vs, am, gear)
#> Error in cols_to_list(data = mtcars, vs, am, gear): could not find function "cols_to_list"
# List to Dataframe mtcars_list <- cols_to_list(data = mtcars)
#> Error in cols_to_list(data = mtcars): could not find function "cols_to_list"
#> Error in tibble::as_tibble(list): object 'mtcars_list' not found