By default, this function queries a local database named "Athena". If a connection object is passed into the function, the database of the connection object is queried instead. A caching feature is included.
queryAthena( sql_statement, conn, conn_fun = "connectAthena()", skip_cache = FALSE, override_cache = FALSE, cache_only = FALSE, cache_resultset = TRUE, render_sql = TRUE, render_only = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, sleepTime = 1 )
sql_statement | SQL query |
conn | Connection object. If provided, diverts queries to the connection instead of the local Athena instance without caching features. |
skip_cache | Skip the caching altogether and directly query the database. |
override_cache | If TRUE, the cache will not be loaded and will be overwritten by a new query. For override_cache to take effect, skip_cache should be FALSE. |
cache_only | Loads from the cache and does not query the database. A NULL object is returned if a resultset was not cached. |
cache_resultset | (deprecated) If TRUE, the resultset from the query will first be loaded from the cache. The query will be executed if a cached resultset is not retrieved for this particular query, after which the resultset will be cached. If FALSE, Athena or conn will be directly queried without any caching operations. |
render_sql | If TRUE, the SQL will be printed back in the console prior to execution. Default: FALSE |
verbose | If TRUE, prints loading and querying operations messages to the console. Default: FALSE |
sleepTime | Argument for `Sys.sleep()` in between queries to allow for halting function execution, especially in cases where other chariot functions are executing multiple queries in succession and require cancellation. |
a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package]
c("typewrite", "typewrite")
Other query functions: