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3 types of relationships can be derived from the OMOP Vocabulary tables:

  1. Taxonomy: hierarchical parent-to-child relationships represented by Is a or Subsumes predicates.
  2. Mapping: Maps to or Mapped from relationships between OMOP concepts that either a.) represent a mapping from a non-standard vocabulary to a standard controlled vocabulary such as NDC to RxNorm or b.) represent a mapping from a deprecated concept to its most current counterpart.
  3. Lateral: non-hierarchical relationships between OMOP concepts represented by all other relationships.

Here, I am using “[V] [S] 4115276 Non-small cell lung cancer [SNOMED 254637007] [Condition] [Clinical Finding]” as an example.



The ancestry of 4115276 is derived and ordered in a top-to-bottom format. The CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table provides 2 types of paths: the min_levels_of_separation and max_levels_of_separation that represents the minimum and maximum distances between the concepts within the hierarchy, respectively. Here, the minimum is used.

taxonomy <- 
  WITH a AS (
    SELECT c.concept_name, ca.min_levels_of_separation 
    FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_ancestor ca 
    LEFT JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
      ON c.concept_id = ca.ancestor_concept_id 
      ca.descendant_concept_id = 4115276 
        AND c.invalid_reason IS NULL 
    ORDER BY min_levels_of_separation DESC
  d AS (
   SELECT c.concept_name, ca.min_levels_of_separation 
    FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_ancestor ca 
    LEFT JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
    ON c.concept_id = ca.descendant_concept_id 
    WHERE ca.ancestor_concept_id = 4115276 
    AND c.invalid_reason IS NULL 
    ORDER BY min_levels_of_separation
  FROM a 
  FROM d
  verbose = FALSE,
  render_sql = FALSE


The hierarchy seen above can also be derived from the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table by filtering for the Is a and Subsumes relationships.

taxonomy_relationship <-
  SELECT relationship_id, c.* 
  FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_relationship cr 
  LEFT JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
  ON c.concept_id = cr.concept_id_2
    cr.concept_id_1 = 4115276 AND
    cr.invalid_reason IS NULL AND 
    relationship_id IN 
      ('Subsumes', 'Is a');
  verbose = FALSE,
  render_sql = FALSE

However, the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table can only represent direct relationships that are 1 degree of separation between a concept. The CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table is used in situations where traversing the taxonomy beyond a single level is required.


The Maps to and Mapped from relationship can be used to either find the new concept assigned to a deprecated concept or the mapping between a non-standard vocabulary such as an ICD billing code to SNOMED.

Source Concepts to Target Concepts

For 4115276, a Mapped from relationship exists from MeSH, ICD-O-3, HemOnc, other SNOMED concepts, etc…. These relationships allows one to leverage existing codes in source systems to route them to the correct mapping in the OMOP CDM during an ETL.

df <- 
  SELECT relationship_id, c.* 
  FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_relationship cr 
  LEFT JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
  ON c.concept_id = cr.concept_id_2
    cr.concept_id_1 = 4115276 AND
    cr.invalid_reason IS NULL AND 
    relationship_id IN 
      ('Mapped from', 'Maps to');
  verbose = FALSE,
  render_sql = FALSE

Another example of this type of relationship are mappings between NDC codes and RxNorm. Here, I find all the NDC concepts for acetaminophen.

df <-
  SELECT c.* 
  FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_synonym cs 
  INNER JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
  ON c.concept_id = cs.concept_id
    cs.concept_synonym_name LIKE '%acetaminophen%' 
      AND c.vocabulary_id = 'NDC' 
      AND c.invalid_reason IS NULL
  verbose = FALSE,
  render_sql = FALSE

The CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table is used to map NDC codes to RxNorm, which is often the case in an ETL from a source drug orders table to the OMOP DRUG_EXPOSURES table.

df <- 
    c1.concept_code AS ndc_code, 
    c1.concept_name AS ndc_drug,
    c2.concept_code AS target_code,
    c2.concept_name AS target_name,
    c2.vocabulary_id AS target_vocabulary
  FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_relationship cr 
  LEFT JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c1 
  ON c1.concept_id = cr.concept_id_1  
  LEFT JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c2
  ON c2.concept_id = cr.concept_id_2  
  WHERE cr.concept_id_1 IN (
    SELECT DISTINCT c.concept_id  
    FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_synonym cs 
    INNER JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
    ON c.concept_id = cs.concept_id
      cs.concept_synonym_name LIKE '%acetaminophen%' 
        AND c.vocabulary_id = 'NDC' 
        AND c.invalid_reason IS NULL
  verbose = FALSE,
  render_sql = FALSE

Deprecated Concepts to Valid Concepts

In addition to the use case above, concepts that are deprecated usually have a Maps to relationship to a valid replacement.
Since a search for NSCLC does not return any deprecated concepts, a search for diabetes is used to exemplify instead.

df <-
  FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_synonym cs  
  INNER JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
  ON c.concept_id = cs.concept_id 
    cs.concept_synonym_name LIKE '%diabetes%' 
    AND c.invalid_reason IS NOT NULL;
  verbose = FALSE,
  render_sql = FALSE

For these deprecated diabetes concepts, the Maps to relationship exposes each of their valid counterparts.

df <-
    c1.concept_code AS deprecated_concept_code, 
    c1.concept_name AS deprecated_concept_name,
    c1.vocabulary_id AS deprecated_vocabulary_id, 
  FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_relationship cr 
  INNER JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c1 
  ON cr.concept_id_1 = c1.concept_id  
  INNER JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c2
  ON cr.concept_id_2 = c2.concept_id  
      cr.concept_id_1 IN (
        SELECT DISTINCT c.concept_id 
        FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_synonym cs  
        INNER JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
        ON c.concept_id = cs.concept_id 
          cs.concept_synonym_name LIKE '%diabetes%' 
          AND c.invalid_reason IS NOT NULL
         AND cr.invalid_reason IS NULL 
         AND cr.relationship_id = 'Maps to'
  verbose = FALSE,
  render_sql = FALSE

Lateral Relationships

These relationships are all other relationships that are non-hierarchical, meaning that a corresponding entry would not be found in the CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table.

df <-
  SELECT relationship_id, c.* 
  FROM omop_vocabulary.concept_relationship cr 
  LEFT JOIN omop_vocabulary.concept c 
  ON c.concept_id = cr.concept_id_2
    cr.concept_id_1 = 4115276 AND
    cr.invalid_reason IS NULL AND 
    relationship_id NOT IN 
      ('Subsumes', 'Is a', 'Mapped from', 'Maps to');
  verbose = FALSE,
  render_sql = FALSE